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About Me

With 26 years professional restoration experience plus 6 years as  Gallery Manager for a highly respected London BADA member. This experience has enabled me to build up an indepth knowledge of the history and evolution of period British and Philiadephia furniture as well as the mechanics of their construction.

Each project is different so work is tailored to each piece of furniture. First the piece is examined and a worksheet written including time and costing. Only period timbers and veneers are used for restoration using hand tools.

Finishes are kept to traditional methods of waxing and French polishing. We always endeavour to keep all original colour and patina and will repolish as a last resort.


Our ethics are not to over restore but to keep each piece of furniture in as original condition as possable and to not affect the colour and patina.


Work can be carried out from minor repairs to fire and water damage, from loose joints to full rebuilds.






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